#H# Producing Compressed Air For Pneumatics Systems
In this learning path ,you will learn about how compressed air is produced for pneumatics systems
It is the branch of science that includes the properties of machines, tools and systems that work with air pressure or vacuum effect is called pneumatics. Pneumatic applications in the real sense started after 1950. Previously only in the mining industry, construction industry and railways (Air brake) used to be used.
The real introduction and spread of pneumatics in industry began with the need for modernization and automation in mass production.
Source: SMC International Training link: https://slideplayer.com/slide/9196764/
The preparation of compressed air basically consists of three steps. Compressed air used in pneumatic systems is supplied by compressors. Compressor is a device for increasing the pressure of air by mechanically decreasing its volume. After the high-pressure air is obtained, it is sent to a tank for storage in the second part. In the third part, the particles in the air are cleaned by filters and the moisture in the air is dried. Finally, the air is lubricated. Drying and lubricating processes are necessary to prolong the life of the pneumatic elements.
Compressed air production is usually supplied from a central pressure source and delivered to the system via pipes or hoses. Thus, there is no need to use a separate pressure source for each user. Portable compressors are used for machines or hand tools that change location.
Determining the air requirement of the facility (capacity determination) is an important factor affecting the choice of compressor. Choosing a compressor with a lower capacity than the need, production
efficiency as well as affecting the lifetime of the compressor due to its constant switching on and off. Choosing a compressor that is much higher than the need increases investment and operating costs.
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