Building walls, door & windows openings, segmental arch.

In addition to a straight bar, rolling layer or semicircular arch, one can also close the opening in the façade with a segmental arch.

Motivation phase
Drawing a segment arc.

In the video below you can see how one draws a segment arc.

Permission to use the video from youtube:

Information phase
Installation of a segmental arch.

* A segmental arch also needs support.
* To brick a segmental arch you use a mold, wich may be removed when the mortar has hardened.
* Build the mold with two fiberboards along both sides, close the top with flexible sheet material.
The width of the mold corresponds to the width of a brick.
Use a nail and string as compasses to mark out the circle and a jigsaw to cut out the mold.
You should underpin the mold with lathing, secure the mold firmly in place and adjust it perfectly.
> Marking off a segment arc:
* In the picture below see the different steps to make the support:
1: The distance
2: straightness
3: porring point
4: apex or crown
5: Arrow, porring or sting.
6: Onset.
7: Birth.
8: Outer arch line.
9: Inner arch line.

Own course & wikipedia.

Information phase
Calculation segment arch.

1: Method 1:
* Given: birth line or centerline AB
* Construction: divide the line AB into equal parts. One thus obtains the poring point E
* Construct the arc AB with E as center and EA or EB as radius.
Photo: own course

Information phase
Calculation segment arch.

* Method 2:
>Method 2, span and height given:
Given: birth line AB
The height CD
Construction: on the line AB, draw a perpendicular bisector
Transfer the known arrow CD
To draw the perpendicular bisector on the lines AD and DB
Where the perpendicular bisects is the porring point E
Using E as the center and EA or EB as the radius, construct the segment arc.

Photo: own course.

Consolidation phase

Attached are some multple-choise questions

Resource information

Level: Level 1
Subject: Construction
Language: English
Estimated time to complete: 15+ minutes