Control systems

CONTROLLABILITY is the property of the system that, under the influence of control action, it passes from one to another required state.
CONTROL EFFECT is an effect on the managed system or environment that improves the functioning or development of the system, which is selected from a set of possible actions, based on available information.
CONTROL PROCESS is the process of collecting, processing, distributing (but also storing, archiving and updating) information and its implementation in the form of executive activities.
CONTROL is a set of CONTROL processes that realize the system's goal function.

Motivation phase

SS look the photo and try to memoraze it

CONTROLLABILITY is the property of the system that, under the influence of control action, it passes from one to another required state.
CONTROL EFFECT is an effect on the managed system or environment that improves the functioning or development of the system, which is selected from a set of possible actions, based on available information.
CONTROL PROCESS is the process of collecting, processing, distributing (but also storing, archiving and updating) information and its implementation in the form of executive activities.
CONTROL is a set of CONTROL processes that realize the system’s goal function.

Information phase
Detail explanation what is Control systems

CONTROLLABILITY is the property of the system that, under the influence of control action, it passes from one to another required state.
CONTROL EFFECT is an effect on the managed system or environment that improves the functioning or development of the system, which is selected from a set of possible actions, based on available information.
CONTROL PROCESS is the process of collecting, processing, distributing (but also storing, archiving and updating) information and its implementation in the form of executive activities.
CONTROL is a set of CONTROL processes that realize the system's goal function.

Consolidation phase
Speak about Control systems,

SS should solve the test

Resource information

Level: Level 2
Subject: Automation and robotics
Language: English
Estimated time to complete: 10-15 minutes